Monday, January 4, 2010

Intent of Blog

I seriously am not sure I should be doing this!  I am busy already, however I do intend to share some knowledge, opinion, and fun with you!  My thoughts are not to keep this blog to one subject like a lot of people do....  My writings will be hugely varied!  To give you a quick overview of my current intentions: 
The typical:  Home life, family, relationships, parenting, health... 
The passions:  Photography, travel, art, interior design, scrapbooking, crafts, home remedies, recipes, books, upcycling, jewelry, accessories, organization, yoga and meditation... 
The necessities of my career:  Accounting, management, business, careers, money.... 
The future:  Government, politics, green issues, heritage...
I will probably stay away from that last group of ideas until I have a great group of followers, then I will offend some later!  Hopefully not, but it's bound to happen and I hope you will love me so much that you look beyond it!

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